June 24, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Do rainbow M&M cookies count as cooking with colors?" -Hudson

Hudson is "drinking" Orange Juice!

This may not be as surprising to some, but for those of you who know Hudson, he consumes a total of three variations of fruit. These include bananas, cantaloupe, and apples in the form of Mott's cinnamon apple sauce. Well today is a new day, and Hudson is now consuming his third serving of orange juice.... in the form of a popsicle.

Yesterday when I was at the mall waiting on my phone to get fixed I wandered into Williams-Sonoma and was immediately drawn to the "Zoku Quick Pop Maker." I splurged on this little freezer appliance, wrapped it, and surprised Hudson with it when he got home (he has been wanting popsicle molds for some time now).

The fun thing about this pop maker is that you remove it from the freezer when you are ready, add the juice, cream, fruit etc. and then watch it freeze in just minutes.

So for dessert tonight we are getting our servings of fruit in the form of frozen orange juice and V8 splash :)


June 22, 2010

Calling All Cooks

Learning how to cook for two different palates WHILE maintaining nutritious and balanced meals AND still getting some satisfaction out of the creative outlet of cooking WHILE on a budget can be somewhat of a challenge. Only in the past year, with a new marriage and one year of grad school under my belt have I thrown myself into the kitchen to really "make dinner".

What is it about food that sets the framework for our day and the backdrop of some of our favorite memories. We plan our work around a lunch and immediately ask, "what's for dinner"? Enjoying the luxury of eating out can be a welcomed retreat at the end of the day, but so can creating your own dish to share with friends and family.

I welcome you to learn alongside me, (and teach me as well!) about the adventures of cooking with colors. In our home, grocery store trips and dinner menus are constantly being challenged by cravings for what I like to call, a "yellow" plate. "Yellow" plates are full of starches and processed foods, all wonderful in moderation, but I have challenged us to add a little color to these yellow plates. Hopefully I can entertain you with some of our happenings between breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Please feel free to add your own recipes and creative ideas on cooking under the comments section.

And side note, if I can make it, and my husband can eat it, then anything is possible in your kitchen and at your dinner table.